Invited By Lama Works

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome back to menu planning!

So I know it’s been awhile since I’ve done any menu planning.  Truth be told, I still menu plan every single week, I just haven’t been posting much about it because I wasn’t really sure if anyone used it or not.  Low and behold I’ve had a handful of people asking me about it lately and quite a few people asking me for specific recipes so let’s see if we can get back into it!

I’m going with a new format this time around.  Every Monday I’ll post the master list of what I’m cooking this week.  Then as the week goes by, I’ll post the recipe of the day.  I get most of my recipes from cookbooks and around the web, but I very rarely make them exactly as written so you’ll find my version of the recipe here as well as a link to the original recipe. When the next week comes around I’ll repost the list with my thoughts on how they tasted as well as next weeks list. 

Most likely you’ll find about 5 or 6 recipes each week.  Every Sunday we eat with the in-laws and every now and again we just plain go out.  I am going to *try* to take a picture at the end of every meal, but no guarantees. If ever you have a question on a recipe just ask!

You can even Pin a recipe to your Pinterest with the “Pin it!” button at the bottom of each recipe. 

If you ever just want a random week of recipes you’ll not be able to find them on the Weekly Menu Plan tab.

This is a work in progress, so if it doesn’t work please let me know!

Pin It!

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